How to package your file to send to the print shop
Once your job is finalized and ready to send to the print shop, you can easily gather your files into one folder.
Step 1
Double check that your document has all of the support files updated; elements bleed where needed; page size is set for final size; no fonts are missing
Step 2
Click File in the menu bar and choose package (or press command + option + shift+ p on mac)
Step 3
The package window allows you to see if images and fonts are missing or other problem areas. If all is ok choose Package
Step 4
Printing Instructions window allows you to send notes to the printers about this job. Choose continue
Step 5
Create Package Folder. This screen allows you to create a centralized folder that the fonts, supports and output files will be gathered to. Use the check boxes to include the fonts, supports, IMDL file and a high resolution pdf file for printing. Choose package
Step 6
Once InDesign is finished packaging your files, you can locate the folder on your local machine and burn a cd/dvd of the files, or zip the folder in order to upload via ftp.
Many times while designing a project, you will pull files from other folders on your server. Packaging your project into one central folder make it easy to send to your printing company, and it also allows you to have everything in one place for easy backup and storage.
For a visual guide on how to package a file for print, download this pdf.
Bonus Tutorial
Arranging pages side by side in your page layout
When creating a new page layout, InDesign gives you two choices Facing Pages (for saddle stitched books) or uncheck the box for non facing pages. You can arrange pages side by side with either facing or non facing pages. When creating pages for a tri-fold brochure, it’s best to create your document to final size, but you could also create 3 pages side by side with this nifty guide.
Step 1
Create any number of pages in the new document dialog box.
Step 2
In the pages panel, right click on any of the page icons. Remove the checkmark by Allow Document Pages to Shuffle.
Step 3
Now you can drag any number of pages to be next to each other in the panel. When you drag a page onto another page, a bracket and a small arrow appear to show which side the page will fall once you release it.
Step 4
When designing using side by side pages, you can rearrange the pages at any time, but any graphics that cross over from one page to another will move with the left hand page.
After the project is ready to go, remember to choose Spreads when you export your pdf so that all the side by side pages are together.
For a visual guide on arranging pages side by side in InDesign, download this pdf.
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